Sunday, November 06, 2011

my Packer girls

Woke up to temps in the low 40's ~ signifying Fall is finally here! So we fired up the wood stove and I made my first latte of the season. Life is good.

Ok, so for those of you that wanted more info on our grandbaby twins... oh, so no one asked? Well, too bad, I want to talk about them... so I guess you're gonna hear about them. ha!

They're arriving in April. They are considered high-risk (emolyn came early weighing 2# 7oz.) so please pray they stay put... and that Nicole and the babies remain healthy throughout the pregnancy and delivery. I'm still trying to wrap my brain around the fact that TWO BABIES are growing inside her tummy!

Needless to say, emolyn (3) is pretending she's 'pwegnant' with two babies now. She already has 'four kids'... so she will have her hands full. Her 'husband' is now working as a firefighter... but recently they took a 'fall break' from each other. Mmm, wonder what that's all about? Maybe Randy and I need a 'fall break' from each other :)

If you know me at all, you know that I eagerly enter into this vivid imagination of hers, and at times she has to remind me "Mimi, I'm just pwetending!". Yes, yes of course you are... I knew that.

The other day she started calling me Grandma. So I asked her "Emolyn, why aren't you calling me Mimi anymore?". She replied all serious "I just got tired of calling you Mimi." Thankfully she was back to calling me Mimi in a few days.

Randy & I went over to Shawn & Nicole's last week to spent time with emolyn & elsie while Nicole was at work (she's a nurse) and Shawn was at worship band rehearsal. I showed emolyn the pictures I took of her & elsie dressed in the Green Bay Packer t-shirts I got them. While she was looking at them she informed me ever so gently ~ "I'm sorry Mimi, but I really don't like looking like a boy. I like dressing like a girl. " haha! I love her candor. And I love my little Packer girls.



  1. You could make them a green tutu to go with the shirts and bows!! Then they would look girly! I love her about ALL your grandbabies, and can't wait for the twins to arrive in the spring. You know every time I was pregnant it was so very different. Maybe this time it will be a breeze for Nicole, (I will be praying for that)

  2. Anonymous12:24 PM

    cute sewing project...good job!
    Love your that your place? Mel's Designs

  3. So maybe you should make the Packer Tshirt into a jumper with lace trim. She might like that. We'll be praying for the twins and the family. Please let us know if we can help in any way.
