Monday, January 16, 2012

under-sink trash can

In designing my new kitchen, I was pretty emphatic that I did NOT want a designated cabinet for my trash, even though I had many tell me that was their favorite feature in their new kitchen. But I was unwilling to sacrifice cabinet place that could otherwise be used for other things.
Here's the deal, every time I ask where someone's trash is, they have to take the time to specifically tell me or actually show me. It's so much easier to just say 'under the sink'. And that's the most convenient location anyway. But I was also pretty emphatic that I wanted a quality under-the-sink pull-out trash can. Well, this under-the-sink pull-out trash can at Trash Cans and More came highly recommended.

I actually wrote that post back in April, 2010 just weeks before the completion of our kitchen remodel. But it was never posted. Because there was no room under my sink for it. I was so disappointed... and then found out that it would cost way too much to justify returning it. So I kept it, thinking someday I will either have it installed in one of my kid's homes or an office cabinet. Well, this weekend it was installed in my husband's office desk that we found at my new favorite thrift store.
Yes, I have a new favorite thrift store. The Humane Society Thrift store now resides where Tiedamanns  was. I could not be more pleased and supportive of this little thrift store. And it happens to be where we FINALLY found the cabinets to go under the counter tops that I found on Craig's List to replace the banquet tables that Randy has been using in his new office/ recording studio.
Always in the back of my mind I wanted to find cabinets that had drawers (which Randy requested) and a cabinet for this pull-out trash can. And we seriously looked for months and months.

But all the while I had my eye on this desk at the new Humane Society Thrift store and finally took Randy on Saturday to check it out... and saw that it was a quality piece of furniture... and bought it for $50.00. We removed the door so Randy would have easy access to the pull-out trash can and installed the counter tops to give Randy ample space for his printers and scanners. He is thrilled with all the drawers... and I'm thrilled to have my two banquet tables back just in time for an upcoming scrapbooking day in a couple weeks. YEH!

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