Sunday, January 01, 2012

Welcome 2012

Did you know that our fall in Phoenix is in December and January? Yup.
And this year was the first year that Emolyn really got into the whole playing in the leaves.
Her Uncle Tyler could hardly wait to rake up a big pile of leaves for the girls to jump in.

So a few days before Christmas, Emolyn came over and they did just that ~
they raked and raked and raked...

... and then Emolyn jumped in the leaves ~ and she jumped and jumped and jumped!

And then on Christmas Eve day, Elsie joined in on the fun.
Ok, so maybe she did more watching than joining in. But she had fun watching her sister.

Happy New Year to all my favorite blog readers!


  1. Happy New Year to you and your family also!! Looks like the girls had fun!

  2. Happy New Year Linda!
    I didn't even know you had trees that dropped leaves so that was good to learn!
    Your grand-daughters are so cute and now you got 2 more on the way!

  3. Oh, they look so cute!!! Happy New Year to you Linda! Thanks so much for stopping by and leaving such sweet comments!!

  4. Anonymous12:16 PM

    Happy New Year Linda! Jumping in the leaves is what makes Fall so worthwhile for the kids especially. I'm glad that God gives us a little taste of Autumn here, even if it is later than everyone else.
