Sunday, February 26, 2012

Emolyn's 4

Happy Birthday Emolyn Kate!
Emolyn & Belle must be cousins or something. Check out the eyes! 

 A week ago we celebrated Emolyn's birthday at Nicole's grandparents home.
Emolyn's Aunt Michelle made the most amazing Little Mermaid cake ~ both inside and out! 

Emolyn's Mommy is patiently nesting identical twin boys
and ironically they are each about the same size Emolyn was when she was born at 33 weeks, although she stayed the weight of a 28 week old, which is where the boys are now.
So we're praying the boys stay put and continue to grow healthy and strong till they're delivered sometime in April. Oh my gosh, this is really going to happen!

Emolyn loves shoes just like her Daddy did ~ and still does!
So Emolyn's Grandpa John got her Sketchers that light up and sparkle. 
And as you can see, Emolyn's little sister Elsie lights up any room she enters. What a sweetheart!

Emolyn's Pop Pop and Daddy are most likely swapping apps or something. 
I tell ya, boys and their iPhones...
Check out Shawn's yellow iPhone case made from a vinyl record ~ found here.

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