Thursday, February 09, 2012

Randy's YouTube video

Randy asked me to marry him 33 years ago next week. Wow. That's pretty crazy when you think about it. Cuz that would mean I'm 33 years older, and I don't feel that much older at all. Anyway, we were engaged for 6 months, 3 of which I did nothing towards planning my wedding. You see, I never dreamed about my wedding. I dreamed about being married, but never about the actual wedding itself. So 3 months before the wedding I met the wedding coordinator at the church we were going to use and within a week everything was pretty much planned. I'm not even kidding you.

Anyway, Randy started his final year at Grand Canyon College (which is now Grand Canyon University) a week after our August 25th, 1979 wedding. He was a Bible/ History major and worked at the Maryvale Mall Sears Catalogue store. I was working at Lincoln Heights Christian Preschool as the cook and music teacher. I loved my job. I loved being married.
On the way home from Randy's graduation ceremony at North Phoenix Baptist that May of '80, we looked at each other and wondered out loud about our unknown future. Oh, before I continue here, you need to know something very important. I married a man of faith. My husband trusts God unlike anyone I have ever known. Totally and completely. I, on the other hand, have struggled with trusting God for most of my adult life.

So like I said, we wondered... but the very next day got a phone call from our pastor, asking to meet with Randy about his future. He asked Randy to consider going on staff with the Hand in Hand outreach ministry as a staff musician and follow-up coordinator for those that accept Christ at the weekly Hand in Hand concerts. Randy had already been doing concerts at Hand in Hand and believed in this powerful, life-changing ministry. The only catch, we'd have to raise support for our monthly income. Randy, being a faithful man of God, was all in. I, on the other hand, had my doubts and fears. But my deep longing to fully depend on God won out. Although I would occasionally remind God that I could do without the trials & tribulations associated with learning to fully trust. 

"We are not necessarily doubting that God will do the best for us, we are wondering how painful the best will turn out to be." ~ C.S. Lewis

Anyway, God was faithful. We lived on very little those first several years, but our needs were met. And Randy never wavered. His ministry and influence grew, and we eventually went full-time with Randy Thompson Ministries in 1990. By then we had 3 young children. Randy was doing concerts all throughout the country and God was using his CD's as an extension of his ministry... and to this day we are continually aware of the far-reaching effects that are beyond anything we could have imagined. We are humbled to the core. 

All that to say, our son Shawn recently put together a music video that is now on YouTube. It is a culmination of Randy's 30+ years in ministry and we could not be more thrilled. And Randy's song "Let The Music Last Forever" is the perfect song to go along with these unforgettable images. And yes, that's me singing the background vocals.

There is definitely more to my story that I will eventually share. But as in everything, it is in the writing of our stories that God reveals more truth and brings about even more healing.

or click this YouTube link so you can click full-screen for better viewing.


  1. Linda, I'm so happy to see this post today!! it must be God working. We have really struggled trying to see our ministry off the ground but still having faith that God is indeed working at his pace which is best. So encouraged to see your story and Randy's. It really gives me hope!!!

  2. Beautiful! What a life long ministry...

  3. Anonymous9:41 PM

    Watching this video blessed me so much this evening, Linda. Your husband is gifted artist. Thank you for sharing. God bless you and your family!

  4. Anonymous11:12 PM

    Your husband is a wonderful musician, yet his humility and love for God shine even more than his talent. The video is awesome. Were you singing with him? Great harmony!

    Nancy Peacock
    Edmonton, Alberta CANADA

  5. So touching. Thank you for sharing.

  6. Linda, I listened to the YouTube video. How absolutely beautiful! I got lost in the music and the words and in the love of our Savior. Randy is so gifted. I'm so glad he chose to trust God and use his gifts to glorify Him. Thanks so much for sharing!
