Saturday, February 18, 2012

yellow ranunculus

Yesterday I came upon a Yellow Ranunculus file among my garden photo files.
And they were taken exactly two years ago this month.
Oh how I would love a garden full of Ranunculus, PeoniesCosmos and Hollyhocks.

The file was also full of lemon photos, as seen in the above image...
along with a blurred glimpse of our beloved Wiley dog. Oh how he is missed.
So I took one of those lemon images and made me a Springy new blog banner.

Oh, and I went to Sweet Salvage with a friend yesterday morning. WOW!
Post & pics coming soon!


  1. Those are simply gorgeous Linda!
    I want those....simply wonderful!

  2. Yes, they're beautiful! I'd love to grow them in our yard. You'll have to give me some tips on how you do it.
