Wednesday, March 28, 2012

attitude of gratitude

Lately it's become crystal clear to me that an attitude adjustment is in order. Like now. Yes, I tend to dwell on the negative... to perseverate on what isn't, rather than what is. 
I need to dwell more on these things ~

Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things.  Phil. 4:8

My plan is to end each day reflecting on 10 things I am grateful for from that day ~
  • health ~ I am so grateful for my health.
  • love ~ letting Jesus love through me. Without Him, I can't.
  • my husband ~ he's such a good, supportive, hard-working man.
  • my story ~ I would not have wanted this particular chapter, but trusting it's important to the next one.
  • my family ~ their unconditional love astounds me.
  • book of James ~ thank you Beth Moore. Thank you God.
  • sunflowers ~ emolyn & I are planting sunflowers this afternoon.
  • Easter ~ letting Christ's death & resurrection renew my heart.
  • time ~ to creatively repurpose my favorite finds.
  • friends ~ reconnecting with old friends that we've dearly missed.

Ok, so that ought to get me started. It really is a powerful exercise in seeing the hand of God in the day to day of living life. I plan on posting my lists every once in a while and letting you in on how this is affecting my attitude. I think it's going to be a good thing.


    1. I need this as well...thanks!

    2. I enjoyed your gratitude list and health being at the top....without it...really, we don't enjoy the rest of the list!!
      I hope we can get together soon!1
