Wednesday, April 11, 2012

a BEE-utiful picnic

That's my granddaughter Emolyn and her Pop Pop at Kiwanis Park in Tempe ~ 
on the picnic of her dreams. 

Just the week before, she had expressed to me that one day she would like to go on a picnic "with a real picnic basket and a real blanket and real food". So we did.

And she loved every single second.

And I loved watching her love every single second.

And then as we were leaving, we came upon the most bee-utiful Bottlebrush shrub.

Bee sure to enlarge each image for a better look.

And then my daughter Miranda came over and Emolyn's little sister Elsie came over ~
and they laid out in the backyard and giggled as little girls do.
I sure love my girl-Es!


  1. Very lovely post Linda! Aren't grandbabies the best!
    And I love that park, Josh took me there several times!

  2. So cute....what a sweet picnic!!
