Friday, April 27, 2012

Emolyn's wedding

So... how does one follow up the birth of twins? Well, a wedding of course.
Yes, we had ourselves a wedding this week. Our 4 year old granddaughter Emolyn got married.
Hey, how else do you celebrate the birth of your twin baby brothers? Exactly! With a backyard wedding!

Actually, here's how it all came down ~ you know that yard sale we were suppose to have last Saturday? Well  my beautiful grandsons arrived instead... so we didn't have to endure 100+ temps, but rescheduled for this Saturday with much lower temps.

So this week I spent some time going through some of the boxes Miranda had dropped off for the yard sale, and found the bouquet that she caught at her cousins wedding a few years back. I knew that Emolyn would go wild over this white & purple beaded bouquet. And she did. She immediately wanted to get married. Well I was thrilled, because about a month ago I found the perfect flowergirl/ wedding dress for her at Goodwill for $5.00. But every time I would mention her trying it on, she would very politely reply "thank you for the dress Mimi, but not yet". But this time she was so excited to put it on, and then very politely told me she did not like the big puffy sleeves. So I cut them off and we had ourselves a wedding dress.

Oh my gosh, she was stunning!

Emolyn told me that I could cry at the wedding, 
because Mama's and Mimi's and Grandma's cry at weddings. So I did.

Emolyn also told me she wanted real food at the reception, 
along with the PlayDoh food that we had prepared. 

The reception was so fun! She danced and twirled and danced and swirled. And then she threw the bouquet and I caught it like a dozen times. And then I threw the bouquet and then she like took forever before she caught it. She's such a good sport.

Oh, and for those of you that are wondering, the groom was there. But as we all know, the wedding is all about the bride. Her "husband" is "Mike". He works at the Apple Store. And he was late getting to the wedding. But he finally made it. It's good thing he's a figment of our imagination... or else he'd have gotten an ear full from me. ha!

I can not believe how blessed I am to have such wonderful kids, a daughter-in-law, and now these precious grandchildren in my life. Wow.
Thank you, thank you Lord!


  1. She's so beautiful! Hope the boys, mom, dad, Elsie and the move are doing/going well!!

  2. awwwww!!! So sweet :)
