Tuesday, April 17, 2012

twins in two weeks!

Two weeks from today ~ my two grandsons will be born.
I'm in tears just thinking about it.

Two little boys ~ two sons ~ emolyn & elsie's brothers ~ two grandsons.

I can hardly wrap my brain around the reality of what is about to happen.

Oh Lord, you know my prayers for this precious little family.

You know they will be moving mere days after the delivery of these little boys.
(just so you know, they're staying in the Phoenix area)

You know what they need and You delight in meeting their many practical needs.

 And You know the plans You have for them... plans to prosper them and not to harm them, plans to give them hope and a future. 

Jeremiah 29:11

Please pray for Shawn & Nicole as they prepare for two more ~ pray for healthy, happy little boys ~ for emolyn & elsie as they welcome their baby brothers ~ that as a family they would continue to marvel at the outpouring of love ~ and blessings beyond all that they could ask or think ~ Ephesians 3:20.

And if you want a fun read, a good laugh or a good cry ~
you gotta read Nicole's last couple blog posts ~
click HERE.


  1. Beautiful pictures -wishing all the best for you and your family!

  2. They're not leaving the area are they? And, of course, prayers for all...

  3. Oh Linda, this is so exciting!
    I can't wait to hear and see pics too!
    Best wishes and hugs sent your way my dear friend,
