Tuesday, May 15, 2012

birds, bees, bugs & blooms

Even the desert cactus in all its prickliness has its own unique beauty...

... especially when the cacti are in bloom.

Birds were perched atop every blooming Saguaro cactus.

 This little guy performed a balancing act that was mighty impressive.

We rarely saw a cacti or flower bloom that wasn't filled with bugs or bees.

And speaking of bees, check out this busy little bee. 

Maybe he's a little camera shy.

Is that not the cutest little bee?

You're all looking at the bee inside the bloom...
but what cracks me up is the bee that is going in for a landing! Do you see him? How cute!

I know! I lucked out... no, it was not luck. Anna & I prayed when we entered the Desert Botanical Garden, that God would surprise us with blessings around every bend and corner. And He did!

The hummingbirds were quite the little show-offs, letting us get up close for these sweet photo ops.

These desert flowers were covered in furry fuzz... or is it fuzzy fur?
Anyway, the Sonoran Desert is filled with boundless, exquisite beauty throughout all times of the year. I love Arizona!
(you're gonna want to click to enlarge these images)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Linda,
    These photos are just amazing!!
    I loved this tour...maybe we can go next time I come visit!
    I have always wanted to go there!
    And I love seeing pics of the twins on FB, they are so adorable!
    Hugs friend,
