Tuesday, May 01, 2012

May Day

Happy May Day!
What a perfect day to introduce you to my Hollyhocks!
They were late bloomers this year ~ but well worth the wait!

Hollyhocks grow so well in our neck-of-the-woods. Ok, so it's the desert... but who knew.

Speaking of the desert, I am itching for a roadtrip. Nothing calms me more than sitting in the van next to my favorite guy, and watching the scenery dramatically change as we make our way up north. I also get a better perspective on what I've left behind. It's like... taking myself out of my circumstances allows me to clearly see what God is doing... without all the distractions, without the burdens and the sin that so easily entangle us... that rob us of running with endurance the race set before us. (Hebrews 12)
And then I come home energized and focused... and peaceful. 


  1. Absolutely beautiful, Linda. So missing my hollyhocks...I think it's time for me to plant new ones.

  2. I had no clue they'd grow here (I'm in Tucson)...hum...have to do that next year!

  3. My parents used to grow lovely hollyhocks, thanks for the memory! They're really pretty!

  4. It's interesting that they grow so well in the desert. They also grow like crazy in the small Southern Colorado town where my grandparents live. It's 8000 ft elevation and regularly the coldest spot in Colorado, so far from the desert! Yet they love it just the same.

  5. Anonymous7:19 PM

    These are beautiful! They make me miss our mutual friend, Susie, who has always had hollyhocks in her yard. Thanks for sharing these images of happiness.
