Thursday, June 28, 2012

4th of July mantel

 Another mantel makeover!
My inspiration was the Campbell Soup tin that my sister-in-law gave me. Love it! Everything else I already had ~ found at thrift stores and yard sales.
But I did have my son Shawn pick me up a Pop Shoppe bottle. You know how much I love cool labeling. And yes, I bought that lone skate years ago. It's great for displaying framed photos and chalkboards.

And how much do you love that fireplace sign! I went to a real junky yard sale a while back and found a stack of beat-up, old signs that realtors add to House for Sale signs. I bought several for a quarter each. Wait till you see the others. So excited to have found the perfect place for this sign.

I really need to make a simple banner to string across the mirror ~ and make it double-sided with 4th of July fabric on one side and summer gingham on the other. You know me ~ it's all about doing double-duty! Hope your week is going well.

I'm linking up with these linky parties ~


  1. Linda, do I see a fold-up ruler as a star? Love it... I have a thing for those rulers. Cool vignette!

  2. Linda this is Country Living magazine ready!
    Gosh golly that is so cute!
    Love that little, bitty red wagon too!
    And so excited for you about the engagement of your daughter!
    Mother of the bride, oh will that be fun!
    Hugs friend,
