Thursday, June 21, 2012

my creative space

Utilizing every nook 'n cranny ~ that's me to a tee ~ which is why I named this space my nook 'n cranny. Trust me, it rarely ever looks this good. But I just spent the past couple weeks reorganizing every nook 'n cranny. And it worked ~ my creative juices are flowin' ~ experiencing serious inspiration overload ~  and oh so timely. The temps hit 112, stuck indoors ~ with projects out the wazoo! 

It really does make a difference when you know where everything is, or for that matter, what things you have in which to start creating. I found things I had forgotten I even had!

Recently a friend on facebook posted that she discovered a new passion ~ sewing. And I was reminded that I love to sew. Don't get me wrong, I sew most every day. But it's mending and altering... not creatively sewing an actual garment. I'm excited to challenge myself with a sewing project. Maybe something for my granddaughters.

See that black hole in my closet shelving unit? That's a flat screen so I can watch movies in here. But here's the problem ~ I'm watching the American Dreams series and I will invariably put in a disk and before you know it, I will leave the room and forget that it's important that I should sorta stay in the room if I want to get the gist of what's going on ~ or put it on pause! I do it all the time. I blame my ADD.

But what I did that has made all the difference in the world ~ I put my formica table in the middle of the space ~ and it's changed my life! Seriously! I have already completed so many projects because I have room to spread out, and I can bop in and out whenever and it's waiting for me, right where I left off.

And speaking of utilizing every nook 'n cranny ~ I immediately became aware of a massive chunk of real estate under the table, that was not being used. And then I remembered a steel structure on wheels that I found at a yard sale years ago ~ and thought, why not put it under the table! I was beside myself with joy! I mean, look at it ~
industrial vintage in all its functional glory! 
I will be adding a surface to the top of the structure using a pallet or yard sticks, so even more projects can be piled on the top surface. Oh and btw, everything on the rolling structure is projects that either need mending or altering or repurposing.
See what I mean ~ never ending projects await this girl!

In case you're curious to know the story behind my vintage gingham apron collection ~
click HERE. It's pretty creepy.
And if you want to know more about the transformation of this room, you can read THIS post from 5 years ago.
I'm linking up to the following Linky Parties ~


  1. Anonymous2:50 PM

    Love you space Linda!
    I am praying to have one of my own someday- great inspiration in yours to draw from : )

    I forgot all about 'American Dreams'- I am totally looking for it now- what a great way to keep out of this desert heat! : ) Thanks for the reminder. I LOVE series and movies set in earlier times. Do you watch 'Mad Men'?

    Thanks for sharing your 'nook n' cranny'- so cute!!

  2. Oh Linda,
    You know how much I love that gorgeous room!
    Great organizing job too, so clean and tidy!
    We finally had the most perfect Wisconsin summer day today.
    Sunny, low humidity, light breeze and 80 degrees! Plus with all our recent rain it's super green!
    Just thought you would like to know!

  3. Great room & it reminds me of mine. I think we've even come close to the same wall color! I love your apron collection -- how fun is that! If you happen to pop over to my blog, my craft/sewing space is listed on my sidebar as one of my most popular - It's a Magical Mystical Tour. There is also one called "My Play Room," but that was in our previous home. I think we do a lot of the same things, so I simply must follow!

  4. omg!!! can i move in there please????? you'll never know im there..just let me sit in a corner and enjoy all the colours and fabrics and stuff...oh following..

  5. Oh what a colourful and fun space. I would love to spend some time creating there. I have a studio/hobby room in a spare bedroom that I shared on my blog. I'm looking forward to tidying it and getting creative next week when my summer vacation starts.

  6. omg, I love your creative space! And the aprons hung up like that is so cute!

