Monday, September 03, 2012

twins ~ 4 months

Nathan & Jonah are 4 months old and I am starting to see more & more of their personalities emerging every time I see them. What a couple cutie pies! In fact the other day as I was posting photos on Facebook, from our family dinner the night before,
this caption came out of nowhere ~

my double-crusted cutie pies

They really are my little double-crusted cutie pies ~ oozing with bubbly sweetness both inside & out. 

So proud of Shawn & Nicole ~ they are truly amazing parents to Emolyn (4) and Elsie (1) and their surprise little blessings Nathan & Jonah. Nicole is back at work as a nurse and Shawn is the stay-at-home Daddy. It can't be easy for either of them... Nicole away from her babies all day and Shawn caring for 4 little ones. We have Emolyn with us Tuesdays overnight till Wednesday when Nicole gets off work. And we have family dinners every other Thursday. I am so thankful to have a front row seat in watching our family grow as our stories unfold. And I don't want to miss a single moment. In fact, I want to be in those moments. I don't want to take it all in from the sidelines. I've done that all too often. Avoiding the pain of engaging in the day-to-day disappointments and challenges of life. I want to create an environment where we are safe to be real, secure in our love for one another and ok with each of our journeys. I need to let go and let God do His thing in my life, my husband's life and my children's lives ~ knowing full well He knows far more than I could possibly ever know. 

So I repeat often throughout my day ~ 
God is good. He loves me. He is trustworthy. God is good. He loves me. He is trustworthy.

Yes, the Christian walk really is about learning those same basic truths over and over again, through different seasons and circumstances of life.

1 comment:

  1. They are getting so big Linda! And I do believe they look a lot like their Daddy.
    What blessings they must be and it sounds like your enjoying it all!
    Hugs friend,
