Sunday, October 21, 2012

Autumn leaves

Although we'd like to think with temps below 100, that it's finally fall in Phoenix. When nothing can be further from the truth. But we will see scenes of this sort in December, when the leaves fall and the kids can frolic in the leaves as I did as a kid growing up in Wisconsin.

Oh how the memories came flooding back when I came upon this photo in my archive of scanned photos from the 60's. That's me wearing a hood jacket, with brothers Gary and Ronnie. We'd build houses with the leaves used as outlines designating each room. I think my love of floor plans began as a little kid designing homes out on the lawn each fall.

My granddaughter Emolyn can hardly wait to jump in the leaves in a few months, although it won't be in our back yard, as we got rid of the Mulberry tree this past year. And why? you ask ~ high maintenance, high pollen count and very messy. Although we missed the shade cover over the summer, we did not miss the berries that fall and stain the flooring when Koda tracks it in the house. Happy Fall everyone!

1 comment:

  1. For a minute I thought you had fall leaves in your yard right now. We used to make floorplans with the leaves too in Ohio. It must be a universal application. I miss the smell and the colors and the sound of the leaves crunching under my feet. My sister's on her way there right now and I'm a bit jealous. Thanks for sharing these sweet pictures.

    Happy Fall!
