Monday, November 19, 2012

flower girl dresses

emolyn kate ~ 4
elsie lane ~ 2

My daughter Miranda was the lead in Hello Dolly when she was in the 8th grade and wore the most beautiful gowns.

One of which we transformed into the flower girl dresses that my granddaughters wore in their Aunt Miranda's wedding. Yes, in keeping with the theme of these wedding posts, even Emolyn & Elsie's dresses have a repurposed story. 
So thankful my friend Kathi made these gorgeous gowns using the lace fabric and pearl buttons I salvaged from the gown that Miranda wore 14 years ago. They turned out beautifully! And I could tell that Emolyn & Elsie loved wearing them too.

Just prior to the start of the wedding, I found Jack & the little E girls out on the porch steps. The interaction between the three of them was priceless.

Here they are walking down the aisle ~ the evening of the rehearsal.

And here they are walking down the aisle ~ the day of the wedding. 
Are they cute or what!


  1. Oh Linda, they are beautiful and what great memories attached to them. I need to stop making table runners and make my girls some clothes! Thanks for stopping by:-) Looking forward to starting my retro Christmas decor this Friday!!

  2. What expressive wonderful pictures...and a great backstory to attach them to!

  3. So cute! I guess Jack could learn a little from Emolyn about working the crowd.

  4. They are so cute Linda, what great pics, kind of like a Ralph Lauren ad.
    Great story on the dresses too!
    Happy Thanksgiving dear friend,

  5. Great post, I love the flower Girl Dresses. Keep up the nice post.
