Saturday, November 10, 2012

mother-of-the-bride dress

So while we're on the subject of dresses, let's talk about my dress.
Remember, this is about preserving the stories for my sake. So bare with me.

Soon after my daughter got engaged, Miranda & I began to share a Pinterest board that Miranda titled Dresses for my Mom. We pinned many dresses on that board that gave each of us a sense of what she wanted me to wear and what I was drawn to wearing. Well, one day I found a dress at Kohl's that I thought was perfect for a backyard wedding. It was 80% off and I had a 30% off coupon. Which meant they paid me to buy it right? ha! Well, as the bridesmaids began picking out their dresses, it became apparent to Miranda that I needed an intervention. So she sat me down and lovingly told me that my dress was too casual. And she was right. Back to the drawing board... I mean Pinterest board.

One of the dresses I had pinned was the ModCloth Blueberry Iced Tea dress. I knew I wanted that 50's retro/ vintage feel. But with the wedding just weeks away, I didn't feel comfortable ordering one. You know, might not fit, reorder, panic sets in... so I hit the streets for a similar one. Miranda told me to check out Francesca's. So I did. And there it was. The dress. And I paid full price ($48.00), which I have only done twice in my life ~ a Liberty of London dress when Target released the line just months after returning from visiting Miranda in London, and then a year later a cardigan I really wanted at Target.

Anyway, as much as I loved the dress, I knew the accessories would make or break it. The dress came with a turquoise ribbon, so a skinny belt and necklace was on my agenda. Miranda wanted me to keep with the vintage theme, or I probably would have chosen one of those beaded bib necklaces. So, being the thrift store guru that I am, I began to do quick run-thrus whenever I passed one. Then I remembered I had store credit at Back to the Rack consignment store in Tempe. And there it was ~ a Lapis stone copper pendent. So perfect. And get this, I had already seen a similar color skinny belt at my little thrift store down the street for 2 dollars. So with necklace in hand, I went back to the thrift store. A perfect match. Houston, we have lift-off!

Btw, the gal gave me 25% off the $18.95 necklace. So after applying my store credit, it cost me a cool 73 cents. I know! I even make myself sick.

Here's the deal ladies, I loved wearing my dress. So comfortable. The perfect length. Elastic around the waist. Breathable cotton. And a color I have never ever worn in my life. So why not for my daughter's wedding. Made me feel all the more special... like I was the mother-of-the-bride or something :)

Each of the photos were taken while in the stores with my iPhone, for Miranda's take. She was thrilled with my choices.

Btw, Miranda had the bridesmaids and the mothers wear various shades of navy and blue. And as you will see, we all blended beautifully!


  1. Love the story Linda and the story of your daughter's dress as well!
    You both looked gorgeous!

  2. You were stunning! Congrats...

  3. Love the dress and that's one of my favorite colors. It looks great on you!

  4. Yes Its true. I like this dress pattern and colour. As well as Its suits perfect on you. Its too good.

  5. Anonymous11:05 PM

    You looked stunning! Great dress. Congrats!
