Tuesday, November 13, 2012

wedding snapshots

My sister Kathy and her daughter Kristen came to the wedding, all the way from Oklahoma.
I can't tell you how thrilled I was to have them here and thankful to have them share in such a special day. We had way too much fun together!

Kristen captured some of my most favorite photos of the wedding. Love the flowers!

Miranda decided she wanted the parents and grandparents wedding day photos on display at the guestbook table... along with cd's of Aaron & Miranda's favorite songs for the guests to take home as gifts. Love this idea.

Miranda also asked if I had an old mailbox that she could have on display at the gift table for cards. Of course I would. Does that make me a hoarder? Don't answer :) Yes, I happen to have two that I found in alleys over the years. This one wasn't as beat up as the other. I love the color she chose and that she let me keep the red metal flag as is.

Their mother's are sisters, but these cousins could easily be sisters as well!

My beautiful daughter waiting to walk down the aisle...

Miranda's dear friend Carla from England loved spending time with Emolyn & Elsie.

I loved that my sons Tyler (23) and Shawn (30) escorted me down the aisle. I remember thinking at this moment that I didn't want to miss a thing, I wanted to take it all in, to savor every moment, the way my daughter looked at Aaron, the smiles on the faces around me, the late afternoon glow, the quiet calm...

... and then she stepped out with her Dad... all lovely, peaceful and assured. I had to remind myself to breathe.

At one point in the ceremony both Dads shared, and it was so emotional and personal.

I love my mother-in-law with all my heart and will cherish this photo forever. Thank you Kirsten for capturing this special moment.

And then this amazing thing happened immediately after the ceremony ~ the backyard was transformed into this magical wonderland of loveliness.

The tables were repositioned, the wine bottles corked, the candles lit.

Such a sweet, beautiful, magical night ~ family & friends gathered under a canopy of twinkling lights, to celebrate the union of Aaron & Miranda. I will never forget it as long as I live.

The night had to end, but for these two, it was only the beginning. And oh what a start to an already deeply committed, God-honoring relationship. We were blessed to have witnessed such an event. God is truly good and faithful.

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful, romantic wedding. I love the setting and the charm of it all ~ just wonderful! Beautiful bride, beautiful flowers, beautiful mother-of-the-bride. You should be very proud!
