Wednesday, December 05, 2012

Mr & Mrs wedding chairs

What are the chances I would happen to have two antique chairs in my shed when my daughter pinned the photo below on her wedding Pinterest board? Like pretty good. In fact I had only recently found the other one at my little ARC Thrift store for $5.00. And what are the chances I would have those two tree bark boards in my shed, along with layers of dust? Again, pretty darn good. ha!

Miranda's inspiration found here.

Both chairs had caning in its former life. So I just had my husband cut boards to fit and then I upholstered fabric from my stash that Miranda chose along with enough batting for comfort. Miranda painted the Mr & Mrs, I added screws in the back and then cream colored burlap strips for ties.

So pleased with how they turned out for the newly married Mr & Mrs!


  1. Love those! Great job by all of you.

  2. Mr and Mrs chair good idea and also nice pics.

    Wedding Chairs
