Monday, January 21, 2013

First Family Dinner

My little rockstars were in rare form at our first Family Dinner of the new year. Yes finally, no one was sick. So we gathered at my son Shawn & Nicole's home for meatball subs, and later treated with a little concert while munching down lemon bars. Good times.

Nicole finally had to wake up Nathan & Jonah so they could join in on the fun.

Hey, I just realized the boys are 9 months old today! And really starting to get around. And we all know what that means ~ watch out world!

I haven't told you a lot about my 2nd granddaughter Elsie. Oh my gosh, she is pretty gosh darn amazing. So full of life! So loud and expressive ~ her own unique person.

I remember praying when they found out their 2nd would be a girl, that Emolyn & Elsie would be complete opposites, in looks and personalities. And they are. And I love that. Neither lives in the shadow of the other. They are their own unique selves.

I am praying that for the boys too. Yes, they are identical twins, but I am praying their unique personalities give them the confidence to be their own distinct persons, discovering their own one-of-a-kind gifts and talents that sets them apart from the other, making them all the more aware that they are fearfully and wonderfully made. That they would always be the best of friends, but confident in their uniqueness to boldly discover who God created them to be.

And let me just add, Shawn & Nicole are the best parents EVER!
Seriously, they are amazing ~ so involved, so intentional and so wise.

Emolyn, Elsie, Nathan & Jonah are blessed to have such loving parents.


  1. Boys are on the move...yep, new ballgame!!

  2. What a sweet family! I love the "tattoos" on Elsie's arm. Is that a sign of things to come?
