Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Arizona winter roadtrip

I was needing a roadtrip in the worst way, when we got a call from our friends asking us to join them at their cabin up north. I got us packed so fast, and we were good-to-go as soon as Randy walked in the door from work. But first he had something to tell me. He and 20 other employees at his Home Depot were fired that morning, to make way for the 1500 seasonal workers Home Depot was hiring in the Phoenix area. In other words, let's get rid of the employees that are up for their one year pay increase, that have benefits, and hire part-time seasonal at minimum wage with no benefits. Needless to say, I did not handle the news too well. And needed this trip all the more. 

And what a welcome escape from reality. And who knew we'd be heading back down the mountain 30 hours later amidst treacherous road conditions after several inches of freshly fallen snow! My kind of trip.

Which is part of the reason Tim & Lynn invited us. Snow was in the forecast and I'd been wanting to see snow falling. I miss the winters in Wisconsin. But first we needed to chop some firewood for the woodstove. I mean Lynn needed to.

And let me tell you, the girl can swing a mean ax!

Doesn't get much better than a roaring fire in the woodstove
inside a cozy cabin in the woods.

Oh, and waking up to this ~ SNOW!

I could hardly wait to sink my snow boots into the fluffy white stuff! 

So I grabbed my camera and headed down the lane... 

... to capture some of this magical, winter wonderland.

And then my toes froze, so I headed back inside. :)

Lynn was busy melting snow on the woodstove. And why you ask?
Well, the pipes had froze and after hours of trying to repair them, Tim and Randy decided it was a job for another time. So we were without water. But hey, no problem. 

But check this out ~ it took 8 heaping bowls of snow to melt into one pot of water. And 2 pots of water to fill the toilet tank for every single flush! I'm not kidding.
Seriously folks, I know why my Mom did not want us 6 kids flushing the toilet every single time!! In fact, I may never be flippant about flushing another toilet for the rest of my life!

Then the four of us headed back outside just as the snow started falling. 
The perfect photo op for Randy & Mickey.

me & Lynn

Tim & Lynn

me & Randy

Thanks Tim & Lynn!! We love laughing and making memories with you guys...

... and walking into the cabin to the smell of bread baking in the bread machine. Oh my gosh, the best! No, eating it warm and slathered in butter is the best!

When we finally left that evening, we had quite the white-knuckle ride down the mountain. The road we had to climb before heading down the mountain was not yet plowed. We actually slid in the ditch a couple times, but we made it. Safe and sound. But not without a few "I told you we should have put chains on the tires!" I can hardly believe I learned to drive in such conditions as a 16 year old growing up in Wisconsin. 

And then reality set in. We're heading home. And with each mile, I could feel myself getting more and more anxious about what lies ahead. All my fears surfaced. My junk. And yes, I know in my head that God is good. And trustworthy. And has our back. But my heart is so weary and tired and sad.

We have spent most of our 30 years in ministry living by faith. Never knowing how God was going to provide. But He always did. I guess I just never thought we'd be experiencing these uncertainties in this season of our life. But these are uncertain times for many of you. We know we're not alone.

 But I am thankful for Randy's part-time job as a worship pastor. 
And for the two Estate Sales I've recently done.
And for what God is going to do. 
 He will send His steadfast love and His faithfulness ~ Psalm 57:3
He always does.


  1. Oh Linda, that just makes me sick about Randy's job. :( What a disgusting, unethical business practice. :(

    I'm so glad you were able to go on this little snowy getaway for a bit of peace and relief. I continue to admire you for your faith and your hope and I'll pray that your heart will have courage while you're waiting for the answers to your prayers!

  2. Now I know why you didn't answer my phone call.
    I am so sorry about Randy's job. Our son just lost his but he has found another. Don't know how that will work out but....
    Uh, I hate this economy. So many of us are suffering.
    But God is good.
    and, Call me!

  3. Kathy Grayczyk7:59 PM

    "Doesn't mean we have to like it" right there with you girl.

  4. Gosh I am so sorry Linda. I can't believe Home Depot,that just sickens me.
    Your pics are beautiful, what great friends you have there.
    Sending prayers and hugs your way for something wonderful to come your way.

  5. Hi Linda, I just found your blog today. I just love your photos...and that bread looks fantastic! I agree, it is best eaten warm with butter. So sorry to hear what Home Depot did.
