Thursday, April 25, 2013

Americana vintage swing

The other day I got this hair-brain idea to move the old metal swing. It was next to the barn shed, set on rocks and dirt, with the bottom rungs pretty much rusted off. I found it at a yard sale almost 20 years ago. I can't imagine my backyard without it.

So my handy, handsome husband replaced the bottom rungs with steel rods and now it's good-to-go for another decade, especially now that we've relocated it to the arbor area, set on brick pavers.

Then I found two strands of lights in the garage with matching green cording.

And then Randy & I has us some snuggle time under the stars ~ 
after watching Dancing with the Stars. :)
Btw, I found a stack of Realtor signs at a yard sale a couple years ago for a quarter each. 
The Fantastic View sign being my favorite.

Hooking up with the following Link Parties ~


  1. That is so cute Linda and the perfect spot for it too!
    And the lights add a twinkling, pretty feel.
    Hugs friend,
    p.s. we finally have some spring weather around here~

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