Wednesday, April 03, 2013

boot scootin' noodle

I did it! I actually followed through on something I pinned on Pinterest!
I walked into the Dollar Store today, bought two swim noodles, cut them to size (15") ~
and now my boots no longer fall over!

Oh don't get me wrong, I've been stuffing them with grocery bags for years, but what a hassle when you want to wear them, and then only to re-stuff to put away. Plastic bags everywhere!
This is so much easier. And way more pleasing to the eye.

Here's a little helpful hint ~ the noodles you find at Target, Walmart, etc. are way fatter and denser and thus unable to fit through the ankle area. That's why the noodles at the Dollar Store are only a dollar... they are skinny, and fit perfectly through the ankle area.
Once again proving you don't have to spend more to get better fit and form.
And that's all I got to say about that. 
The end.

1 comment:

  1. Heel, Toe, Dosey Doe, c'mon baby let's go boot scoot, lol - used to line dance to that - wish I had known about this back then for my cowboy boots!
    Great great idea!
