Tuesday, April 30, 2013

dress from Greece

My daughter Miranda studied in England for a semester in 2009. Then she traveled throughout Europe with a friend for a month, arriving back in Phoenix just in time to sing at a friend's wedding in California. One of the many gifts she brought back from her travels was this beautiful dress from Greece, that she got for her niece Emolyn to wear to the wedding. Emolyn was 15 months old and omg, she looked simply adorable! And yes, she pretty much stole the show. ha!

Fast forward 4 years later... we arrive at Nathan & Jonah's 1st Birthday party and Emolyn is wearing that very dress as a darling tunic. Needless to say, I melted. Where has the time gone! My firstborn grandbaby is 5!

As you can see, Emolyn has quite the flair for fashion. And she can work a camera like nobody's business. And she is the best big sister to Jonah, Elsie & Nathan!


  1. Cute Linda!
    Great thinking on Emolyn's part.
    She is already a fashion recycler!

  2. Stephanie8:46 AM

    Sweet and gorgeous girl, beautiful dress/tunic, amazing Aunt, and creative, resourceful women all around!!

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