Saturday, March 30, 2013

Roadtrip to the Rim

Randy & I decided to take a much-needed roadtrip to the Mogollon Rim this morning. At 10:30am. Just so you know I had already been up for 8 hours and accomplished everything I had planned to do that day, so why not leave our worries behind and hit the road. And besides, it was overcast. Love traveling when the sun isn't beating down on you.

Spending time with God in nature, surrounded by His creation, does wonders for my heart and soul.

But when we got to the Rim, the roads were closed leading to all the camping/ picnic sites. So we parked in front of the gate and dragged our chairs to the deck behind the Information Cabin and sat overlooking the largest stand of Ponderosa Pine on the continent.

We were hoping to see a storm roll in... but nothing materialized.

So fun seeing snowy patches everywhere.

The sun peaked out while we were hiking through the forest.

The snow sparked and the emerald green moss glistened.

Oh how I needed this...

And oh how Randy needed his favorite dish at the Beeline Cafe in Payson ~
roast beef and mashed potatoes smothered in gravy. It may not look so pretty but it was pretty darn good. ha :)

I captured this drive-by photo of Weaver's Needle in the distance on our way home.
Thank you Lord. The perfect little get-away in preparation for Easter Sunday. I'm ready now.


  1. So glad that you had a chance to get away on Saturday. Looks like it was a relaxing and refreshing trip.

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