Friday, December 26, 2014

Merry Christmas

December 25th ~ 
It's Christmas morning. I have been sitting at my desk for the past hour with not a sound to be heard. Not a car, not a dog, not a single sound. I'm sure it's like this most other Christmas mornings, but I was too busy to notice. This Christmas the silence is deafening. This Christmas has forced me to be quiet and meditate on the the birth of Jesus through different eyes. Which is the title of my husband Randy's Christmas CD that he recorded several years ago. God has used those songs and lyrics to minister to me this year as never before. Randy has not sung those songs in two years. He had an annual Christmas concert for 20 years and for many it was the start of their Christmas season. It was always scheduled the first weekend in December and always put everyone is the Christmas spirit. He had his last one two years ago. Well, this year dear friends took us on a road trip up north to Flagstaff and Snow Bowl, and down through Sedona for my birthday. We had not been out of the city in a year and a half. Best birthday gift ever. Randy was a wonderful traveler and we had the best day. We headed back to Phoenix with a grateful heart. But then it was about to get even better. We put on Randy's Christmas CD... and witnessed a Christmas miracle. Randy began to sing along to the CD and we were awestruck. He sounded better than ever... and I seriously cried through every song. I managed to record the blessed event on my cell phone in which I will cherish forever.
Needless to say we have been listening to his CD every morning on the way to his Adult Day Care facility. And more often than not he starts singing along. What a sweet way to begin my work day.

And then last night we spent Christmas Eve with our children at my daughter Miranda & Aaron's home. In the midst of opening presents we heard a knock at the door and opened it to a porch filled with dear friends who had come caroling. I can't even begin to tell you how blessed we were to witness such love. We were all crying when I turned around and heard Randy singing Silent Night with his eyes closed and his hands lifted in worship. I could hardly sing after that. Oh Jesus, thank You for your faithfulness.

Christmas Day was bitter sweet. We were alone till we went and visited his Mom for an hour in the afternoon. Randy literally read non-stop from the time he awoke till we left. He barely acknowledged Christmas. This is a man that loves Christmas more than anyone I have ever known. It's heartbreaking. He finally opened my present to him in the afternoon. A pair of slippers that he put on right away. And then like clockwork, just before bedtime, he starts asking to drive the van to Home Depot, to the Mall, to get a Coke, etc. When I remind him that he can't drive, he will then ask me to drive him. It goes on for a half hour or so, and then he goes to bed. He's never angry or frustrated, just obsessive about wanting to go somewhere.

December 26th ~ 
I woke up this morning and once again asked the Lord for strength and patience and love... for today. I can't think about tomorrow. It will come soon enough. All I have is today. Tomorrow could very well bring more changes to my husband, and more heartache, more loss. Yes, Frontotemporal Dementia has a way of rearing it's ugly head just when you've managed to adjust to the present changes. I am powerless to do a thing, but I do have the power of Christ in me to give me what I need at any given moment. I will choose to cling to that today... and somehow find joy in this journey.


  1. Praying for you Linda. Thanking God for this day.

  2. So glad to hear from you. I am glad you got tiny bits of blessings with your hubby. Take care and I pray you have a Great New Year!

  3. So sweet Linda. You are doing it! Living in the moment and the presence of god. What an inspiration you and Randy are. Love you!

  4. Thank you for sharing, Linda. I can only imagine what this must be like for you all. Sending you, Randy, and the family our love and prayers. His music has been playing throughout our home all week. It ministers to my heart in a way nothing has before and continues to do so. Thankful for the gift each of you have been in our lives. Sending you love and hugs, Suzy & Clark Pappas

  5. Happy to see an update from you Linda...praying, praying for both of you. Praying:-)

  6. Happy to see an update from you Linda...praying, praying for both of you. Praying:-)

  7. Have thought of you often. Prayers from me as well...take care

  8. Your photos are lovely.

  9. I think of you often, dear friend, and pray. I know this is a different ministry than you and Randy had ever imagined, but this is what the Lord designed for the final message you two will perform for His glory together. It's not with stage lights and a beautiful voice, but with beautiful faith, broken in weakness and upheld by the strength of the Lord. Press on, dear sister! You are showing the world what true love is. Praying!
