Monday, August 03, 2015

the latest

  • reading Hinds Feet on High Places. Read it back in the late 70's.
  • so good. So what I needed. Love allegories.
  • watched Uncommon Valor yesterday. Cried and cried at the ending.
  • remembering those Vietnam POW bracelets in high school.
  • my husband finally got a haircut and shave after a year.
  • nothing short of a miracle.
  • dear friends took him to a Barber Shop and he let them.
  • now he needs his nails done. Like badly.
  • some of the many effects of frontotemporal dementia.
  • used an oil change coupon last week from Tempe Dodge.
  • we bought our 2006 van from them 162,000 miles ago.
  • my husband took such great care of our van over the years.
  • still runs like a champ.
  • I love sliced apples with crunchy peanut butter.
  • that's been my lunch every single day at work for the past two years.
  • and I still love it. Like a lot.
  • everyone at works thinks I'm nuts. (pun not intended) 
  • I only get two 10 minute breaks in an 8 hour day at Fry's.
  • I could take an unpaid 1/2 hr. lunch, but I would get so bored.
  • I'm either suffering with planter's worts or cancer sores.
  • for months. Not even kidding.
  • finished up season 5 of Blue Bloods.
  • love Commissioner Reagan.
  • Season 4 of Longmire is on Netflix in September. Can't wait.
  • our refrigerator died a few weeks ago.
  • found a similar one, like brand new on Craig's List for $395!
  • included delivery, installation and hauling off our old one.
  • I am humbled at God's overwhelming provision. Thank you Jesus.
  • and last but certainly not least ~ (drumroll please)

Our beautiful daughter Miranda and her amazing husband Aaron 

are going to have a baby in February!

So excited! So thankful. So very, very blessed!


  1. Hugs and prayers Linda:-) And how wonderful to have a new baby coming! Prayers for them and for a safe pregnancy and delivery:-)

  2. Sweet blessings in the midst of trials. Thinking of you and yours and saying a prayer.
