Sunday, December 06, 2015

Giving thanks

Giving thanks has gotten me through some of my darkest days. It softens my heart to the things around me that I couldn't see before... the miracles, the blessings, the goodness of God.

Thank you ~

  • for my health so I can work and care for my husband.
  • that Randy loves going to his adult daycare every day.
  • that he has no sense of time, so he thinks I am only gone a few hours, when it's really 9 hours.
  • that a friend we haven't seen in over 35 years, shows up at our door and prays for us... and fills our home with God's peace and presence. Forever grateful.
  • and the next day he fills our home with 50 lbs. of red potatoes he and his wife just dug up from their home in CO. Um, potatoes anyone?
  • for my long commute to work... praying, laughing and singing to Randy's CDs.
  • and praying, crying and praising Jesus after I drop him off. 
  • for my daughter's healthy pregnancy, for their little boy who arrives in February.
  • for God's continued provision. My heart can hardly take such love.
  • for Randy's songs that minister to me right where I'm at each day.
  • for the Alpine Bakery Bread store. (50 cent loaves). Ok, so I love bread.
  • for my friend Kathy that comes sit with me each week while I process and grow in her counsel.
  • for dear friends that volunteer to care for Randy every Saturday while I work.
  • that truth-tellers call at just the right time, when I am losing it.
  • that I got to host Thanksgiving for my sister-in-law and her two boys and their families.
  • for leftovers and the turkey carcass and my turkey noodle soup.
  • that Tyler will be delivering the package I send him for Christmas.
  • he works for FedEx and his route includes where he lives. How cool is that!
  • that a women in the UK just ordered Randy's CDs. Yup, Randy goes international! 
  • for the Frontotemporal dementia Facebook page. A wealth of info and heartbreaking stories.
  • my brother Ronnie and his valiant battle with multiple myeloma. So proud of him.
  • for his wife Debbie's strength and courage as advocate and caregiver.
  • for my new friends Pat and Mary Ann at my dementia support care group at Randy's daycare.
  • that Randy is so sweet and easy to love and care for.
  • for Glen Campbells documentary "I'll Be Me". So heartbreaking. So important.
  • for Randy's Mom and my Mom. Love talking to them on the phone every few days.
  • for my on-call mechanic Tim and my mechanic Terry. 
  • my van is being fixed as I type. So grateful.
  • for snow days. Ok, more like two days without a vehicle, where I am house-bound and hoping to get lots done. :)
  • that when I asked Randy "what is one Christmas decoration you want me to be sure and put out this year?". He immediately said My Mitten Garland. Click the link to read the story.
  • Love that it's his favorite too.

1 comment:

  1. Sending love and prayers to you and Randy and your family this Christmas from Michigan!
