Monday, May 09, 2016

My new job!

Huge news! This Saturday, May 14th will be my last day working at Fry's Foods.

Tomorrow (Tuesday) I will take my last personal day to attend a Frontotemporal Degeneration support group at the Alzheimers Institute... get a free adjustment at my Chyropractic office (Customer Appreciation Day)... and hopefully use my gift card at Message Envy. Yes, a much needed day of caregiving for the caregiver.

Leaving Fry's is bitter sweet. I loved my job. I met dear friends that I will miss terribly, especially my department head Patti. She inspired me every day to work hard. I am forever grateful for her influence and friendship. And these past three years were a welcome diversion from my reality as a caregiver to my husband. I could throw myself into my work and feel good about myself. But the past several months have been hard... especially on my body. My job requires heavy lifting, stocking shelves, squatting on bad knees, along with stressful, unrealistic demands from management. My job was sucking the life out of me. And I had little energy to be there for my husband when I got home. My poor back and neck along with my left wrist and knee were shot. The pain was unbearable at times, affecting my sleep and ability to get stuff done around the house.

So three weeks ago yesterday I sent an email to the volunteer group that signs up to spend Saturdays with Randy while I work, that included this paragraph ~

"Long story short, I will not be getting Saturdays off. In true Fry's-fashion, the managers miscommunicated and I am not going to 32 hours. Not yet anyway. And when I finally do, Saturdays will not be that 3rd day off, because it's load day. I am so sad and frustrated and confused. I can't keep up this pace. My body hurts and I am pretty miserable when I get home and have to care for Randy and our home. We leave at 7am and get home at 5pm. My job is no longer a respite from my reality at home. Lots of stress and crazy dynamics going on. I need a different job or a transfer. Closer to home and less physical. Please pray with me, that God would open a door. I have little to no energy to make it happen, so it sorta has to land on my lap."

And that's exactly what happened. The very next day a job literally landed on my lap!

It was a Monday morning. I was out front sweeping the patio, waiting for my friend Kathy to arrive. She has met with me every Monday morning since my husband's Frontotemporal dementia diagnose 2 years ago this month. I would not be where I am today without her counsel, insight, wisdom and acceptance.
So, my neighbor Jayne happened to drive by, pulls over to give me a hug and to ask how Randy & I were doing. I told her we were doing real well, but my job sucked. She then proceeded to offer me a job. Just. like. that. I had forgotten she was the alterations manager for Dillards. She knew I sewed and she wanted me to come work for her at the Dillard's Distribution Center in Gilbert. I was stunned. This couldn't be happening. Less than 24 hours after I sent that email!

And get this ~
The commute is better.
The hours are better and Monday through Thursday!
The pay is better.
AND sewing is my favorite form of therapy.

Seriously folks, my dream job!

So, after my last day this Saturday, I will then be taking the following week off with vacation pay and then start my new job Monday, May 23rd. I have a mile-long to-do list for that week off. I want to start my new job with a clean slate, clean house, clean garage and everything checked off that list. It's daunting, but doable.

Randy is so excited for me. But I have shed many tears throughout this whole process, grieving new layers of loss... missing my husband's wisdom and support. Change is so hard for me. And while I've had my full-share in the past few years, it has not gotten any easier. But I am quicker to give it over to God... more desperate than ever for His peace... and as always, He is quick to deliver. So thankful for His faithfulness. He is truly enough. My dependency on Him has freed me to dream again... trusting He has a plan for my life, to use me for His glory, to tell my husband's story and bring awareness to this horrendous disease. Pray for me as I let Him lead me.

So there you have it. Overwhelmed and humbled by this latest chapter in my life story.

To God be the Glory ~ Great things He has done! And continues to do!


  1. Kathy Grayczyk8:07 AM

    So happy for you. Blessings on blessings. The Lord is good

  2. Such beautiful news Linda! A blessing for you and your family. Our thoughts and prayers are with you guys.!

  3. I'm thrilled beyond belief for you, Linda! Our God is the only one who could have orchestrated that just at the right time for you! He will continue to give you the strength you need to deal with the change! You go, girl! I've never met you, but I continue to pray for you and your family.

  4. Wonderful!! Praying for you! Hugs!!!

  5. God is so good! He always has what's best for us! So happy for you, Linda! Love to Tandy!

  6. So happy for you Linda. I continue to follow you on FB and saw this note, was so excited to see again, how the Lord is never early or late, but always on time. Your faithfulness is blessed. You are an inspiration to me. God Bless.

  7. My precious friend, I am beyond ecstatic about your new job. I know how hard it is sometimes for you to walk into the unknown with new situations and also how much you love to sew. This is definitely a match made in heaven. And how could you have ever known that God put this neighbor on your street and in your life for such a time as this. Wow! God is really in the details long before we realize it. I'm so thankful that this will allow you to rest your body some and have a little more time at home too. I'll be praying for the coming days and weeks and that your new job will be even better than you imagine and will lead to even greater things. Love you friend. Wish I was there to celebrate with you!

  8. Oh i am so very happy and thrilled for you and your new job. Such a blessing. Praise God.

  9. Wow, Linda! What wonderful news! We are so glad to hear that it is not only a new job, but your DREAM job. It was such a joy to have a short time to visit with you and Randy recently. We continue to pray for you both.

  10. Congrats on your new job! While it sounds like it will be difficult to leave your co-workers it also sounds like your are off to do really rewarding and important work. Liked what you had to say about Patti, but good to leave, retail is hard on the body.
