Sunday, May 27, 2018

flowers from my husband

Invariably the weight of caring for a loved one with dementia takes its toll and we hit rock bottom. Recently I had one of those days. I woke up with a dark cloud over my head. Fear of the unknown, the future, overwhelmed me. I didn't know how I could do another day. I missed my husband so much that dying of a broken heart seemed quite possible. I missed his hugs, his comforting words, his calming spirit. I missed doing life with my best friend. So I prayed and cried out to God for His strength, peace and joy.

As I made my way home from work that day, with tears pouring down my face, I once again surrendered my hurting heart to Jesus. With what little faith I had, I thanked Him for His faithfulness, His provision, His love. I knew I was not alone. He was with me. I may feel lonely, but I am never alone.

Shortly after I arrived home, someone I had recently met in the healthcare business, came to my door with a huge bouquet of flowers. I was stunned. No way. You see, to me, these gorgeous flowers were without a doubt, a gift from God. To me. From my husband. I was undone. I hugged and thanked her, and when she left I collapsed on the couch and had a good cry. Once again "He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire, and set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand. Psalm 40:2 Thank you Jesus!

Then Randy arrived home. When he walked in the door and saw the flowers, I hugged him so tightly and thanked him over and over for sending me flowers. You guys, the look on his face was priceless. He was beaming and repeated over and over "I sent you flowers!". Every day till the flowers were withered and gone, I thanked him over and over for sending me flowers, for loving me so well, for being my husband. And every day, he would say over and over "I know! I sent you flowers!". And my love for him grew sweeter than ever.

Randy rarely ventures outside, 
but when he does he loves the solar water fountain in our birdbath.
My grandson loves it too. And so do the hummingbirds.
Check it out HERE

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