Sunday, November 19, 2006

fab finds

How cute is this birdhouse! Love the galvanize roof tops and three drawers for storage... only $3.00! And it's big! I have always had this thing for threes. I have plans to do a scrapbook called, "We Three...". (three kids, three brothers, I'm the third daughter... you get the picture)

I have been looking for the perfect storage for my tiny scrap embellishments. Old and new spice racks are the rage for such storage. Well, I finally found mine... perfect size, takes up very little table space and it rotates. AND for only 50 cents! But let me tell you, it was gross... covered in gobs of grease and grim but well worth the hours of soaking and scrubbing. I have plans to decorate the white lids and give it some character and charm.


NanAZ said...

Great finds Linda! I have a little birdhouse peg rack that looks similar to what you found. It used to hang in my old kitchen in So Cal, but now the colors don't match my house so I have it set aside to paint...someday. It has 3 birdhouse and a metal roof as well.

Enjoy your treasures!

Anita said...

Yes, great! That birdhouse is so pretty! And what a nice idea to store your embellishments! It would be perfect for my quilting stuff! ;-))

Anonymous said...

Unbelievable. In German thats called "Schnäppchen"
I'll come to the USA for shopping!!

Deb said...

Fantastic finds! The three birdhouses are gorgeous - and what a great idea for the spice rack.

Cat said...

What a terrific idea for spice jars!

And Yes that birdhouse is way cool!

Nice to meet you. I'll be back too!

Boxwood Cottage said...

Fab finds indeed, I'd find a good use for both of them as well! Congratulations Linda!