Tuesday, November 14, 2006

heidi swapp

My friend Nancy and I went to the Lucky #15 scrapbook store in Phx tonight to see Heidi Swapp demo her line of products. SHE was so inspiring! We also got to watch her do a layout using photos from the winner of a drawing. It was fascinating to see her creat and design, using her own line of embellishments, sand paper, ribbons and masks and ghost frames... just the coolest stuff ever!
I am such a groupie! I have been reading Heidi's blog for several months... so you can imagine my delight in actually getting to talk to her! She's so talented and funny and real and cute as a bug!


Anonymous said...

so I am sure you have tons of ideas now... I'm glad you had fun

Anonymous said...

soo ... I didn't win anything?

Nancy said...

Sounds like so much fun... I can almost see the creative juices flowing. That is a blessing indeed!

NanAZ said...

Thanks for going with me, Linda. It was fun and I never would have gone by myself. I signed up for her newsletter and I think Amy should send her resume since it's so close to home for her.

Boxwood Cottage said...

Yes I can totally imagine your delight! Lucky you :D I'll go and check out her blog now, thanks for the link!