Tuesday, November 21, 2006

the meal

How cool that we have a holiday that centers around a meal. We gather our friends and family around a table, give thanks and share in a meal. I love that! A day set aside to come together in thanks for our many blessings. And those less fortunate can share in a meal that has been donated and prepared for them and thousands alike who are lost, alone and hungry. They will be in our thoughts and prayers along with those that are spending the day serving them.

My family is traveling to Oklahoma City on Wednesday to have Thanksgiving with my sister Kathy and her family. The six of us will be in a mini van for 16 hours so please pray for our safety as we travel. We will have two days with them before we head back to Arizona. I can hardly wait to see my niece and nephew and their spouses and precious children. Little ones just make the Holiday Season even more memorable. Thank God for digital cameras and pictures galore!

I am so grateful for the memories of my past, the present opportunities that I have to make more and a future full of hope. Life is about choices... choosing to accept what was and what really matters and what will make a difference in my life. As I have said before, I love a good story. I love knowing that the stories of my life have taught me so much and will continue to teach me about who I am and who I am free to become. I wish I wasn't always so resistant to the process... but I am slowly letting go and letting God take control... so I am free to give my life away... knowing He provides everything I could ever want or need.
THANKS God for GIVING me Your peace and joy today.


  1. Thanks for the reminders. I need to be sure to take the time to thank God for all he's done and not just enjoy the food!

    We'll be praying for a safe and joyful trip for your all!

    I look forward to being able to do a trip with our whole family together one of these days in the years to come...

  2. Oh my, 16 hours travelling! I can only take 2 - 4 hours. LOL.
    Have a safe trip and a wonderful holiday with your family.

  3. Wishing you a safe journey and a very Happy Thanksgiving!
