Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Miranda's Thanksgiving Birthday

22 years ago your Daddy cried out "It's a girl!!!" You were here! We had our baby girl! Your brother Shawn had a sister! We named you Miranda, meaning "admirable & extraordinary". (the title of Miranda's blog) And you would bring us 22 years of love & laughter, pride & joy and song & dance. You were all girl... imaginative, creative, expressive... just extraordinary! You loved to play dress-up and pretend to be Briar Rose, Snow White, Ariel, and Cinderella.

Before you were even 2 years old you could belt out "Tomorrow" from Annie and "Supercalifragilistic" from Mary Poppins. We were thrilled when you went on to do musical theater in Jr High and High School. You shine on the stage and you shine in life. You are wise beyond your years. Your Dad and I love who you are... a beautiful young woman who loves Jesus, a loyal trusted friend, a precious loving daughter.

Miranda & Disneyland. Magical & Captivating. Need I say more. She's been every Disney princess for Halloween. She knows every Disney song. She is still as excited to have her picture taken with a Princess as when she had her first pic at 2 years old.

Here she is with her brothers and sister-in-law at the Hat Shop in Disneyland. Oh and btw, when Miranda is not watching movies or Grey's Anatomy & Lost or hanging with friends, she is an instructor at the Arizona School of Message Therapy. We couldn't be more proud.

Shawn & Nicole had a "silver & gold" party and Miranda won for best girl costume. See, she still loves playing dress-up!


  1. Happy Birthday wishes to your daughter ~(my daughter Kate will turn 22 in January).

  2. What a beautiful tribute to Miranda! What a beautiful young lady she is. It's been so fun to watch her grow. We look forward to see where God takes her from here.
