Monday, November 27, 2006

our Thanksgiving trip

We made it! The trip to Oklahoma went better than we could ever have dreamed! Let me just say, that we Thompson's are the best travelers ever! We had a blast telling stories, singing, laughing, answering Christmas questions from this fun book that Nicole brought called "The Conversation Piece Collection", watching DVD's and listening to Christmas music. (Imagine watching "Planes, Trains and Automobiles" at 80 mph!) I brought along a knitted scarf kit & my Cathedral quilt to work on, books, magazines, my camera manual, and did not do one of them! I did read a good book on the way home, "More Than I Could Ever Ask" by Lori Graham Bakker. I just love her!

We hit the road by 5 am Wed. morning and 17 hours later we arrived at my sisters home. The next two days were packed with a yummy Thanksgiving spread, Miranda's birthday party, Kathy & I to the park with her grandkids while the others shopped and took in a movie, walks in the woods, snapping tons of pics, finding out Aaron & Brandi are pregnant with baby # 3, singing Christmas Carols while walking through the Festival of Lights in Chickasha, sipping hot chocolate, making turkey noodle soup for the gang, taking more pics of the gorgeous fall colors, raking leaves, holding baby Mya, Randy sore from playing "dragon" with Kennady, Alex & Parker and breakfast at Kristen & Joe's Sat. morning before heading out.
What wonderful memories! What precious loved ones! We are so blessed!

Be sure to click the pics to enlarge!


  1. Anonymous3:09 PM

    lovely pics ... you need a laptop -- i missed your blog updates...

  2. Anonymous4:56 PM

    miranda is required.. she has no choice.. to take me clothing shopping when i get to phx.

  3. Great pics. Love one of playing in the leaves and of the Christmas lights. Sounds like a blast! You and Randy will make awesome grandparents someday! Your sister has the same sofa that we used to have. Well actually we still have it, now it's just covered in denim.

    We missed you guys!

  4. Anonymous8:16 PM

    You got such great pictures! What a fun time we had.

  5. I'm glad you've had such a good trip and time Linda and what a gorgeous family you have!

  6. BEAUTIFUL photos!
