Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Happy Birthday to ME!

* I just had to add that I woke up to this! My daughter Miranda decorated the house for my birthday AND posted the sweetest letter to me on her blog! (click her name to get to her blog)

I was born 50 years ago today. Wow, that sounded weird... cuz I don't feel 50. I remember thinking that when I'm 50 years old I will have it all together. Well, I do not have it all together! But I do know the ONE who does and HE sees me as being good enough. HE views me as having value, worth and significance. HE loves me just as I am. And HE is all I need. Now if I could only remember that when I am doubting, condemning and questioning myself. I am a work in process for sure... progressing non the less.

My fondest memory of having a December birthday was bringing decorated cut-out sugar cookies for my birthday treat each year. Back then, the 13th was usually around the last day of school before Christmas break. Everyone loved my artistically decorated Christmas cookies! I was a big hit with classmates and teachers.

Here's my favorite newborn picture... my Mom looking so Donna Reed and Loretta Young... my sisters Kathy and Ginny 15 months apart, my brother Gary and I 14 months apart... and my Dad looking handsome and stoic. He would welcome a son Ronnie 21 months later and Kevin 11 years after Ronnie thus balancing out the family!


  1. Happy Happy Birthday to you! Hope you have a wonderful day with your family!

    (Oh, and thanks for what you wrote in that first paragraph...that's something I've been forgetting but something I needed desperately to remember!)

  2. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Happy Birthday!!!

  3. Anonymous4:21 PM

    Happy Birthday!!
    YOU are worth celebrating!
    I hope that it is truly wonderful!

  4. Happy Birthday! Love those decorations!

  5. Anonymous6:12 PM

    happy birthday to an awesome ya!

  6. Anonymous6:13 PM

    Wishing you a very Happy Birthday!
    Debbie (posted-from-home)
    *having to sign in as anonymous as I haven't been able to leave a comment for the past 3 days*

  7. Sorry for being late, but I wish you a very happy belated birthday dear Linda and all the luck one can have for your new year of life! xox

    Having the day off today I'm trying to catch up on my fave blogs, with the pre Christmas frenzy I haven't got around doing it lately, but now the holidays can start :D
