Friday, May 04, 2007

new carpet

Here's a little sneek peek of the new craft/sewing room. I just love the River's Edge paint color by Behr! And as you can see, I found the perfect carpet. We get our carpet at a carpet outlet store that sells remnants. This same carpet is almost twice the cost at a Home Depot. And get this! I found a commercial grade carpet that actually has flecks of aqua in the design! I couldn't believe it! I chose commercial carpet because I have things in the room on rollers, so it sure makes it easy to roll them in and out. And it will be easy to find pins and needles in this carpet too.

I am sooo thrilled with the shade of green that my sweet husband painted the new guest room. It was a can of oops paint that I had laying around for a year or so. The carpet in this room and the hallway are also remnants... a short shag that is so soft on the toesies. Koda thinks so too.
My sister Kathy will be choosing carpet soon, so this post is for her to see what I chose... and for you to get a glimpse of the reveal that is to come in a few days. Yesterday I started the process of putting the rooms together and I am having such a blast playing house!


Aimz said...

Cool bananas! Can't wait to see it when it's finished :-)

An Odd Duck said...

MMM love the paint color. It will feel so fresh. AND I love the doggie. I wish I could have one, but it's a no go in New York City for me. :)

Rebecca said...

A new craft room is always divine and that blue?? Love it! I actually took a bunch of paint cards from Home Depot the other day, I bought paint for my doll house abut couldn't reist looking at ALL the lovely Behr colors for Spring!

Nancy said...

WOW, this is like having a brand new house. Thanks for sharing the beutiful colors. Maybe you should consider interior design.

NanAZ said...

Can't wait to see the finished product. Great start already!

Becca said...

Thanks so much Linda. I will definitely do better with the updating.

Sandy said...

Can't wait to see the finished product!
Is that wall color aqua?
Fun, Linda! :)

scarlet reynolds said...

Commercial carpet cleaning does not have to be a a pain in the wallet if scheduled on a regular basis and you will save in the long run plus breathe much easier.

Anonymous said...

Great, I love it! I'm not a huge fan of carpets as they're quite hard to keep them clean and when my house went through a major home refurbishment, I decided to get rid of them for good. But yours looks amazing :)