Friday, May 11, 2007

purple brilliance

These pretty flowers show up every spring at the entrance to our home. So warm and welcoming. Such a springy splash of purple brilliance. And speaking of purple brilliance... GO SUNS!! Hope your weekend is wonderful wherever you are!


Lizzie said...

I love your delphiniums (or are they annual delphiniums- "larkspur"?)

They are among my very favorite cottage flowers, and the loveliest shade of blue ever!!!

Thanks for sharing!

Aimz said...

how pretty! What are they?

linda t said...

Thank you Lizzie!!!
Yes, they are Larkspur!! My very favorite flower!!
I had totally forgotten the name and was sooo glad someone helped me out!!

Anonymous said...

I couldn't pass a house with flowers like that :-) Beautiful.

Diana LaMarre said...

Those are very pretty, Linda. They really do give a cottage feel, don't they?

Becca said...

Hi Linda, I tagged you on my blog today. Hope you had a lovely mother's day!

NanAZ said...

Gorgeous! And Phoenix Suns color too, what a bonus! Do you get seeds from those? I'd love to have some. I'm thinking about doing our front yard in blues and purple flowering plants since there's a great variety of low-water plants that have those colors and they're my favorites!

Jolene George said...

wow! those are beautiful!

Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality said...

Those are just beautiful flowers, Linda! Happy week to you.

Southern Hospitality

Sandy said...

Stunning! Always love your photos of your flowers :)
Hope you are having a great week.

Nancy said...

Oh your flowers are just beautiful! How lucky you are to have them visit every spring.

Anonymous said...

Those are beautiful blues & purples... they almost don't look real!

Boxwood Cottage said...

Wow Linda your Delphinum looks terrific! And your studio too btw!Carol xox

Anonymous said...

So, what's your job title, description, etc.?