Friday, August 10, 2007

coffee &... camp ministry

I sit here at "COFFEE & " posting for the last time before we head back to Arizona tomorrow morning. We hiked Rainbow Trail again this morning and I feel so healthy and happy and content. So um, remind me why I would want to go back to the heat. Oh ya, we live there. (sighs)

Each night Randy & I lead worship before John speaks. We have met so many wonderful people from all over the country and they have touched our lives so deeply. We are humbled to share in there pain and suffering, and blessed that we can now partner in prayer with them as we all go our separate ways.

John also does a morning devotional each morning after breakfast in the dining room. Here he is teaching us a fun, wacky song. He is not only a gifted speaker but has the ability to reach all ages and relate to all walks of life. What an amazing, life changing week for many... myself included!


  1. Sounds like quite a blessing to be there for everyone involved...but we're glad that you'll be on your way home soon! We've missed you, but have loved hearing about the trip.

  2. Hi linda, I am so glad you had such an uplifting experience - we sometimes find that by doing things that we wouldn't usually do - well it can be so life changing, we can sometimes find an inner self.

    Thanks for your comments on my camping post, I am so glad you liked it, its so lovely meeting people from your clan just by blogging isnt it.

    Take care and all my love to your family - luv happy @/*_*\@

  3. Linda, hi! Sounds like a wonderful time. Thanks for all the pix, I scrolled back and looked at them all.
    Back to "home sweet home!"
