Thursday, August 09, 2007

do you see a theme?

We stopped at this yard sale on our way from Ouray to Westcliffe. I'm thinking, how can we strap on this aqua shed to our van? No such sale. So this image will have to do.

Candy's coffee shop is where we go every day for iced coffee and wifi. Get this... they put coffee ice cubes in their iced coffee drinks. Yes, they freeze coffee in ice cube trays. So rather than your iced coffee getting watered down and weaker as you drink, it gets stronger! Such are the perks of small town coffee shops... and of course who doesn't love the pouring rain.

OK, so I occasionally wear aqua, but not for the soul purpose of getting on this post... really... just coincidental.

Love this pink & aqua historical building in Ouray, CO.

We drive past this ranch every day on our way to town. Every single building has an aqua metal roof... the barn, the main house, several outbuildings and as you can see in this photo, the guest house and the dog house. And it has a stream running through the property. And the views they have of the mountains and the valley are breathtaking! Needless to say, Randy & I covet this cute, little "aqua roof ranch".


  1. How great! You know, you have me checking in at "My Romantic Home" everyday. She does such lovely things. The picture of you and Randy is adorable.

  2. Fun stuff, aqua girl! It looks like you had some good rain AND sunshine. How awesome!

    We miss you guys!

    Hopefully we'll get some storms when we go to Prescott in Sep. I just love to sit inside and watch it rain.

  3. hey mom... when will you be home? Sunday or Monday?

  4. I would love to live on the "aqua roof ranch." The dog house is too cute for words!
