Wednesday, August 08, 2007

girls trip to town


I am not always sure when the wifi coffee shop will let me upload pics.... so today I give you three posts in one day! ENJOY!

I quickly took this pic and sure enough, she was gone! So you can imagine how thrilled I was when I saw what I had captured!
Hummingbirds are a favorite of mine and they are everywhere here! Be sure to click the pic to enlarge. She's a beauty!


  1. So...who isn't at Horn Creek right now...besides me.

  2. I love the beautiful. Thanks for the vacation!! I'm enjoying it.

  3. Oh man, the hummingbird shot is awesome! Aren't they amazing creatures? You captured it well! Of course, I love the flower pics too. And its so much fun to see the gang out and about. Did the girls do anything special on their outing? Even though we just got back from vacation, I still wish we were there to enjoy it all with you.

    You should have some great scrapping material. You should probably do a Horn Creek book, since you've been there so many times. What fun that would be!

    Think of us during your next rainstorm.

  4. All great pics; but I especially like the hummingbird one!

  5. great shot linda. we only saw one hummingbird here this summer.

  6. That humming bird shot should be entered or submitted somewhere. It is amazing!

    All your pics are great, you can tell by everyone faces how rewarding this experience is!
