Thursday, October 11, 2007

sisters, sewing & snowmen

Hey everyone! Spent three days with my sister Ginny over the weekend. Believe it or not, one very hot and humid weekend! Go figure! I actually went to a yard sale and bought the Levi capri jeans (a dollar) and red top (fifty cents) that you see in the pics below. Ya, miserably hot! But get this, the temp dropped 30 degrees overnight and has been in the 40's and 50's all week! Yeah, back to jeans and hoodies! Randy & I have been using the pellet stove in the cabin making it so warm & cozy and oh so romantic.

So what do sisters do when we have three days together? ANYTHING WE WANT! 
Well, of course we hit the road and set the camera on a timer and took lots of pics when we saw a fun backdrop. Which was around every corner!

We did some crafting with my Aunt Selma and cousin Shelly. My Aunt made this flannel rag quilt that I am SOOO going to make when I get home! Be sure to enlarge.

You guys! I made my very own tote bag!! Yes, I sure did! 
I made the one on the left with the scarecrow pin! Is it not the cutest Fall bag! 
Ginny made the darling leaf bag. They are so fun to make. I was so stinkin' proud of myself!

And check out these snowmen that we made! I made the one with the cardinal pin on the scarf. 
Too cute! Can't wait to set it out at Christmas!
Thank you Ginny! You are sooo incredibly creative and talented! 
I am blessed to have you as my sister... but more importantly... as my dear friend.


  1. Linda, I can tell from your happy words how much FUN you are having! I love the fall totes and the snowmen--so cute! I love that rag quilt--I've been meaning to learn to make one of those forever! LOL

  2. Love all the crafts and the top photo is gorgeous! It should be framed and hung on the wall!

    Miss you but glad you're having so much fun.

  3. Anonymous7:52 AM

    You guys are SO...DANG...CREATIVE. Very, very cool.

  4. Linda, How wonderful to have a sister to visit and craft with, you are incredibly lucky! Beautiful photos too! Later, Lori

  5. So cute mom!!! Tell everyone I say hi.

  6. That's the one thing I have always wanted in my life, but never had and never will. . . a sister. There seems to be such a special bond between sisters that brothers and sisters just don't share. My mom had three sister. That's why I'm soooo glad I have two girls. . . sisters who adore each other (most times) - but there is an unbreakable bond between them!!


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  8. Oh how fun...sisters are the best! And now you've inspired me to get 'crafting'. I love your totes.

  9. Looks like a wonderful time was had by all!!
    Love the purses and the snowmen. Just too cute!!
