Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Wisconsin in October

Hey, it's me! Finally! Randy & I are having SOOO much fun! It's gorgeous here! I have already taken over 400 pics in a week! And this morning is the first time I've been able to get to our local wifi coffee shop and post some pics for you all to enjoy. Check back. More to come in a few days!

This is the farm house I grew up in. My brother Ron and his family live here now.

My Mom and Dad... my brother Gary and I at Hatfield. We grew up going here to swim and picnic.

Good bye!


  1. What beautiful pictures, love that house too.

  2. Are you kidding me?!?!?!?!?!?! I want to move there...it's simply GORGEOUS! So glad you're enjoying your time there.

  3. This must be some kind of witchcraft... there are colors in the tree leaves... this is unheard of!! I am glad you and dad are having a good time.

  4. Super pictures. Love that farmhouse you grew up in. How nice that it's still in the family and you can go back and visit your brother in your childhood home.

    Enjoy your vacation.


  5. Anonymous7:06 AM

    Dude, you've got an eye for colors and stuff. Love the pics.

  6. Anonymous9:37 AM

    How beautiful it is! I am so glad you guys are having such a great time! Imagine all the scrapping you'll have to do when you get home!

  7. Oh what fun... and your picutres are just great. I hope we get fall colors like that soon.

  8. What beautiful pic's...I love the one of the ducks (geese?) swimming in the mist! Enjoy your vacation & the beauty around you.

  9. Hi Linda! I LOVE the house you grew up in. It sounds like you are having a fantastic time. Continue to enjoy ...
