Tuesday, January 15, 2008

50's citrus juicer

Clearly one of my very favorite finds in December was this juicer. And let me tell you, we juice a lot here in Arizona. We have a navel orange tree and a fruit cocktail tree that produces lemons and grapefruit and at one time produced valencia oranges. But unfortunately that branch broke off several years ago. I have just now started harvesting my citrus, so I am all 'juiced' about this baby!
I am still using the same electric juicer that I got from my dear friend Loren as a wedding gift 28 years ago. And I love it and plan on using it forever, for those times when I am juicing buckets of lemons for lemonade.
But I was so thrilled to find this 1950's, HEAVY-duty juicer at Savers for $2.99! Oh ya, I was shocked! These are highly sought-after and sell on Ebay for a hefty price. They last a lifetime because they are made of cast iron. I have it sitting on my counter ready to juice a lemon or an orange on a moments notice. So handy and vintage retro... and matches my vintage cast iron coffee grinder that I use every morning!
Well, a few days before Christmas, Tyler & I went to Jamba Juice to buy some gift cards and saw that they were selling a similar reproduction juicer by Metrokane for $59.00!. You guys, it was so cheaply made... plastic and chrome and so flimsy and light-weight. I couldn't believe it!
They just don't make em like they use to, do they? How sad.


  1. Beautiful. I must say, I really admire that cast-iron coffee grinder. I am searching for a pink glass juicer. It's just the really plain kind but I think it's lovely. Your juicer is super nice. We harvested three lemons from our own tree this year. Next year, the grapefruit tree should produce. Yay!!

  2. First off, looks like you and your family had an awesome vacation!! Glad you were able to do that together, I'm sure everyone will have so many memories of it for years to come.

    About the juicer, not everything gets better with time, does it? Something s were better the way they were originally meant to be (sturdy and long lasting)! Good for you on the great find!

  3. Some day I am going to sit outside w/you and have a fresh squeezed glass of OJ, girl!

  4. Oh, I wish we up here in the Northwest corner had the ability to grow the fruit trees you have in the valley! *sigh* But it isn't gonna happen! : )
    Love the vintage juicer. Amazing what wonderful things you can find when you're just not looking!


  5. Mmmmm...fresh squeezed juice! So what exactly is Savers? It sounds like you got a steal! I'm still using some of my original appliances (that means they are 36 years old!) and I love them. Old is good...I tell myself!
