Monday, January 14, 2008

Day 4 @ Animal Kingdom

Animal Kingdom was such a pleasant surprise. We loved that it was so lush and tropical. And of course we had been waiting all week for Mt. Everest! And it was SOOO well worth the wait!
Other favorites, the Dinosaur ride, the Kilimanjaro Safari and the Lion King Musical.

But first things first, guess what we picked up on our way to Animal Kingdom? You got it! A dozen Fresh*Hot*Krispy Kreme Donuts! Oh sweet Krispy, I've missed you so much.

Yes, Mt. Everest proved to be our most favorite attraction in all of Disney World! I was scared to death! But hey, I found out I love roller coasters! And, faster the better! Who knew!

After 4- 16 hour days in 4 Parks filled with nonstop fun, fantasy and adventure, we were ready to come home... exhausted but so grateful for all the memories and the 500+ pics that I will begin scrapping this weekend at my very first Scrapbook Retreat in Flagstaff, AZ!

Oooh, in case I forget- GO PACKERS!!!


  1. I see you had lots of fun! I enjoyed seeing all the pictures!



  2. Linda, it's been so fun to see you photos! Makes me remember our trips in 2003 & 2004 and it makes me want to go again! :) I LOVED Animal Kingdom. I was actually surprised at how much I liked it, I just think it is so charming and I love the way everything looks.

    Glad you all had such a wonderful time! ;)

  3. Now this looks like a fun trip to me! And you got free airfare from using a credit card? You are the bargain shopper of the century!!

    I have never been to Disneyland, but have been to D.World in Florida a few times.

    It appears that everyone is having a grand old time despite the weather.

    I used to love roller coasters. I wonder if I could still take them? I don't know if I would be brave enough to try anymore.

  4. Oh I have loved evrey photo of Disney to pieces! Epcot is our very favorite place and yep those fireworks and show at MGM sure bring out the child in everyone! Isn't Disney truly a magical place? And always new things to see there! Lori

  5. Love all the news and pics. Have a great time this weekend. We'll miss seeing you!

  6. We have been serving Krispy Kreme every Sunday morning at the Rave. Since we've been on the fast, people are really missing their donuts!!
