Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Emolyn's First Easter

Here she is! Our little lamb. Emolyn Kate on Easter morning. Isn't she a doll! And guess what? She's coming home tomorrow and her Mommy & Daddy can hardly wait! We are all so thrilled and grateful that she is so healthy and ready to come home! (oh and she is only 3 lbs. 9 ounces! Yikes!)
Take a look at her designer Easter dress! Yup, special thanks to Lynette for sewing Emolyn the sweetest little preemie dress ever! Wouldn't it be so cool to have it preserved in a shadow box along with other sweet mementoes from her first month of life. Mmm...
And now, I just have to thank you all for praying for little Emolyn Kate. I am humbled by your love and concern. Thank you so very much!


  1. i still can't get over how tiny she is!
    happy easter!

  2. Oh my word, how precious and soooo tiny.

    I'm so happy to hear she's coming home tomorrow. Thank you Jesus for answered prayers!!

    Now you all have to chubby up that little darling. I hope the poor momma got some rest!



  3. yeah she is coming home...so when do you think she will be up to making the trip to oklahoma!

  4. OMG, now I know why you weren't in the office today! Emolyn is home! I'm so excited! Now I HAVE to get her gift passed on! I can't wait to see this little tiny miracle!

  5. Look out, she'll be climbing the drapes before you know it.

    Hooray for coming home! Let the fun begin.

  6. So Precious!!!
    Did I tell you that our dear friends son was 1 lb 12 oz when he was born? He's one of our favorite little guys to have around (now pre-k).
    Happy Easter, precious one!!!

  7. Oh my goodness...she is tiny...but so precious! Enjoy your little sweetie.

  8. Oh so tiny.... and cute!


  9. What a darlin' little bundle of joy! So glad to hear that she's doing well!


  10. So she should be home by now!!!! Awesome!

    Please tell Shawn & Nicole that they're all in our prayers.

  11. Since this is about my daughter I can use this comment as a place to say...I'm back to blogging. New post up now.
