Monday, March 24, 2008

weekend highlights

Saturday night we went to Peter Piper Pizza for Tyler's 19th birthday celebration. What a fun place! We played lots of games, ate lots of pizza and snapped lots of pics! Randy and I had more fun watching our kids gettin all wild and crazy like little kids. They never had birthday parties at places like this when they were growing up, so I believe they were making up for lost time!

Miranda and Nicole competing in a friendly game of Skee Ball.

Shawn cheering on Zac and Tyler!

Tyler hit several Jack Pots in a row so needless to say, gathering up all his tickets became quite the group effort.

Tyler holding his coveted prize with his best friend Zac. Tyler and Zac have been best friends since birth! We love him and his dear family like family!

Earlier in the day I hosted a Pampered Chef party, with my daughter Miranda as the consultant. She was awesome! She made these delicious baked won ton cups with yummy yogart & cool whip mixed together, with fruit and a dusting of powdered sugar on top.
After the pizza party we came back to the house to devour these beauties and watch the SUNS beat the Rockets! GO SUNS!

Easter was wonderful as always. My husband and Miranda sang at all three services and I worked in the nursery and helped back stage with the baptisms. We were so exhausted the rest of the day.
But then, we watched "Enchanted". Let me tell you, THE. BEST. MOVIE. Seriously, I loved it sooo much... so romantic, so magical, so brilliantly done... the way they honor and highlight all my favorite Disney animated movies in this movie. Oh my gosh, I was a mess! Ok, you remember how you felt watching that ballroom scene in "Beauty and the Beast" (I cried and cried)... well, the ballroom scene in "Enchanted"... I sobbed!
Made me want to watch all those Disney movies again... like this week... and then watch "Enchanted" again. Like seriously.


  1. What fun! That photo of the dessert should be in a cookbook! And they were delicious! I have Enchanted next on my Netflix list. I can't wait to get it. I wanted to see it in the theaters, but just never got there.

  2. Such a wonderfully happy post! Great feling all your joy! Have a extra special week! Lori

  3. I think I enjoyed Enchanted more that Kennady and that is saying a lot because she really enjoyed. I can't wait to own it someday!
