Friday, March 07, 2008

Georg Schmider German dishes

A couple of months ago I came across three plates duct taped together at my little thrift store. They were stunning. Hand painted. Made in Western Germany. Each of the plates (dessert, salad, dinner plate size) had a hole in the middle. So I knew that it was once a 3-tier set. Better yet, half-off day. Only $1.50 for the set. Ok, so I would have paid $3.00. Notice that each of the plates have hand-painted orange dots on each of them and they are all different. Love that!

So I was on the hunt for another 3-tier set to repurpose for my German find. The first one I thrifted (for 2 dollars) did not work, the screws were too big for the holes in my plates. I finally found one where the screws fit my set. Yeah!
My dish set is a Georg Schmider. Love his work! Take a look at some his creations, my fav being this unusual set of dishes. Click here.
Could anyone tell me more about my set? I would love to know how old it is... what the price tag means... how much is it worth...
Thanks so much for any info you can pass along to me!


  1. you should have your own reality show ....

  2. Linda:

    Wow, fabulous find and leave it up to you to find another "tier" to repurpose. I just love your blog.

    Debbie Kay

  3. You know, I never would have thought to find another set to repurpose the ones you love! I just don't think outside the box like that! They are gorgeous!


  4. okay I hate to do this here but I just wanted to let you know you can vote for Kennadys pic on the tomorrow memories blog(look under my links) One per household! thanks

    If you want to look at the rest of her pic lets me know love ya
