Sunday, March 09, 2008

a pink iPod

Emolyn is going to be cute as a bug in this outfit!

And what do you suppose Daddy's buy their newborn daughters these days? Umm, well, a PINK iPod of course! Especially if your Daddy is a Mac Genius! Shawn can hardly wait to fill it with sweet, soothing, sleepy tunes.

Take a look at this darling scalloped tissue paper from this darling shop called Janie and Jack. Check em out here for a location near you.

One of the nurses that cares for Emolyn in the NICU made this scrap page for Shawn & Nicole. She even had Emolyn's feet and hand prints made as a surprise. I'm telling you, the nurses are sooo wonderful!
AND we got some pretty awesome news last night!!
Emolyn Kate is 3 lbs!! Ya baby!


  1. so much fun wish we could have been there!

  2. How sweet! And look how teeny, tiny those little feet and handprints are! : )
    She's just gaining weight like crazy! Good for her! What a little trooper!


  3. Oh, she's closer & closer to going home!

    Love the pics of the beautiful mommy!

  4. Oh, we love Janie and Jack. Have you ever been into one? It's definitely shabby chic inside. We have lots of their clothes, but only after they go on sale since they are mighty pricey full price! But they are the most darling clothes - traditional and sweet and well made.

    I bet Emolyn will look beautiful in them - but she looks beautiful as is too!
